Secession, the progressive artistic movement of vienna

The Secession was an artistic movement that emerged on the grounds of the dissatisfaction of a group of Austrian artists because of the lack of exposure for their work. Not only did they want to have their work exposed to the general public and to the art collectors, but also to make it more accessible to everyone (both in terms of price, place and understanding). The Secession wanted to create an environment for a healthy exchange of ideas internationally and renew the applied and decorative arts. Another wish of theirs was to create Gesamtkunstwerks thus breaking the traditions of the past and revolutionising the way art was perceived. In many ways, the Secession is closely related to the German Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, both through the innovation ideals they both share and from the Japanese influence. The Secession also shared common values with Ancient Art, since the three Gorgons on the Secession building, that embody the three major arts (painting, sculpture and architecture) were intertwining and showed the same Gesamtkunstwerk ideal. Moreover, the name of the journal they were publishing twice a month, Ver Sacrum, was inspired from the Roman legend of the rebirth of new colonies from existing cities, here meaning the rebirth of art communities from already existing ones.


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