Military and defense architecture in medieval transylvania

Medieval Transylvania was dominated by military and defense architecture, since each city with the status of civitas had to defend itself against various invaders. The main characteristic of this kind of architecture was the lack of aesthetic valence, it being mainly focused on serving its defense purpose. This type of architecture is different from urban to rural area, since these areas had different material resources to work with and a different number of possible invaders. Therefore, this defensive architectural program was adapted according to the type of settlement it was part of. One example of an old military citadel was Biharea, a citadel in the voivodship that was led by Menumorut. At the beginning it had very rudimentary fortifications (made with earth and wooden palisades) and was ready to resist attacks made with light fire weaponry. Architecture, therefore, was adapted to the technological advance of weaponry and battleship.

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