Broadacre city, the utopian vision of frank lloyd wright

Broadacre City was a utopian vision of a town that embodied the naturalist ideological model. Frank Lloyd Wright’s visions about an ideal cities were very related to his concepts for buildings as well, such as the architecture that complements the landscape or the organic architecture. Broadacre City illustrated the development of the personality of the individual or of the family, as each of them was given one acre of land that was only theirs. Wright believed in urban functions well-spread snd dispersed in the natural landscape, and architecture resulting from the natural surroundings. He also believed that these locative cells that included multiple functions had to be inter-connected between them via a transportation network. His ideas were an interesting blend of progressist and culturalist, as he emphasized both the closed and open, the individual and the community, the hygiene and the culture, the past and the future.

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