Urbanism living standards

The minimum and maximum standards of a livable space within a city are constantly being regulated by local authorities. In Romania, the maximum plot area depends on the architectural program that will be built on the specific site, but is generally not restricted (only for some exceptions of buildings, in which the maximum area for a building varies from 450 sqm/family, to 1500 sqm for collective houses and 1000 mp for rural dwellings). As in for the minimum standard of living, according to the urban regulations in the city, a plot is buildable only under these three circumstances: the street front is minimum 8m for terraced houses, and 12m for semi-detached or detached houses; the minimum plot area is 150 sqm for terraced houses and 200 sqm for semi-detached and detached houses; the house does not have its longer side towards the street (due to efficiency reasons). Another kind of regulation is the fact that no house is allowed to have access to two streets (except for the corner plots), and the maximum depth that a house can have is 15 m (in Romania) for terraced houses.

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