Unite d'habitation, the corbusian vertical garden city

After the Second World War, Le Corbusier was comissioned to solve the housing issue for the people of Marseille, a city that has been bombed during the war. He designed Unite D’Habitation in order to create a big density of people still living comfortably and according to the minimal standards of living. He focused on creating a community of people shopping, living, playing together, all having access to the park (in the [[ The Park-City, La Ville Radieuse|park-city ]]) in which the building was built. This residential complex resembled 120 overlaid on top of one another, each with their own private garden, thus creating a beautiful habitat of living for all of the inhabitants.

Resource: https://www.archdaily.com/85971/ad-classics-unite-d-habitation-le-corbusier

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