Nobiliary fortifications in transylvania

Nobiliary fortifications in Medieval Transylvania were the fortifications that were small in size, as they only hosted the residence of a noble family and its suite. For example, the fortification in Tara Hategului Malaiesti was a fortification that consisted of a dungeon (a tower-residence) that was used only as a temporary residence in which the family used to withdraw in case of an attack. It was dimmly lit, having only one small opening per storey, and it had only one room per storey. It also had a retractable staircase that was used to enter the dungeon at the first floor. It had turrets and bastions that were used for firing against the enemies. Another example of such a fortification is the Calnic Citadel, which was a nobiliary citadel that later on was given in the use of the peasants. One special aspect of it was the ingenious space created on purpose between the thick fortification walls called zvinger (its role was to protect against the enemies by capturing them between the two walls). Another example of a nobiliary fortification was the castle, that can be differentiated from the palace due to its function of defense. One example is the Huniazilor Castle that was located on a natural height and made use of that for defense, had circular turrets (one of the first buildings to have that). It becomes through adapting it, a permanent residence for the noble family.

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