Hygrothermics in architecture

Hygrothermics is the physical science that aims to study the energy of heating. This energy of heating can be expressed in two different ways, the first one is as energy expressed in Joule (J), the second one is as power expressed in Watt (W). Heating can be trasnlated to the vibration of the molecules of a certain substance, and can be expressed in K, C degrees and F degrees. The heat transfer between two entities is known to happen in the following way: the object with a bigger thermal energy transfers this energy to the object that has a lower thermal energy (eg. the warm object trasnfers heat to the cold object), until their temperature is balanced. This transfer can happen in one of the following circumstances: through CONDUCTION (the thermal transfer between two solids), CONVECTION (the thermal transfer between minimum one fluid in motion) and RADIATION (the thermal transfer between two objects that do not have any contact with each other)(electromagnetic radiation).

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